Thursday, April 14, 2011

韓國 釜山 The information of Busan for traveling.

Here has some information of Busan(釜山) which that I send to some people who asked me about the information.

I just want to share with everybody, so I'm posting it now :)

I hope you enjoy it !! :)


1. 남포동 Nampodong (南浦洞街)

 * Food

호떡 ho tuck (黑糖餅)

(I don't know English name. it is kind of pancake. this is really really really popular in Busan Nampodong.

You must try this one. I also ate this one last summer. it was good !!! )

大家一定要試看看.我去年夏天吃過,它真的非常好吃!!! )  照片

비빔당면 Bi bim dang men (涼拌粉絲) 

( it is a noodle. but you only can eat  Nampodong in korea.)
(它是一種麵.你只能在韓國的釜山南浦洞街吃到)  照片

냉채족발 Nagcha juck bal (豬腳,豬蹄) 

( it is pig foot. haha but it also have meet.  It is really delicious. Also, it is a Busan special food.  

it is sweet and sour. good ! I like it !! )

(豬腳.非常好吃,這也算是釜山的名產 嚐起來又甜又酸.很好吃. 我喜歡!!) 照片

Nampodong is famous about International market and Film festival.

When you get the Nampodong, you can easy to find international market.

and most of them (food) are in the market.

 南浦洞街 又名的原因是因為有國際市場還有電影節.


Also, it is right next to  Ja gal chi (자갈치)(札嘎齊市場) sea food market  자갈치 시장

This is one of the biggest see food market in Korea.

南浦洞街 剛好也在 札嘎齊海鮮市場附近.

2. 해운대 (Hae won dae) beach(海雲台海水浴場)



3. 광안리 (Gwang al li ) (廣安里海水浴場)

This is a beach.

This is my blog, I went to there, and upload pictures.

The Bridge is very beautiful !!!

I love this place .

I really want you to go there.


4. 부산대 (Busan national university)(釜山大學)

Busan national university staion is good to shopping.

also, lots of young people like university students are there.


5. 서면 (Semyeon) (西面街)


Semyeon is like myeong dong.

Semyeon is the biggest shopping center in Busan.

they have huge underground shpping area .

they have cheap and pretty clothes.

also, there has department store.

在西面街也有一個百貨公司(新世界百貨公司) (shinsegae department store)


6. 신세계백화점 shinsegae department store 新世界百貨公司

This is busan shinsegae department store.

This is the largest department store in the world.


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