Today I'm going to introduce you a article with Lee Hyo-ri.
She is really really famous Korean singer and MC.
She is still one of the most popular sexy icon of Korea !! haha
( I think sexy icon is konglish, but Korean calls her "Sexy icon" )
我想性感偶像(sexy icon)應該是韓國語吧,韓國人稱她"Sexy icon")
She also has very friendly image, so many Koreans like her !
This picture was really issued when they had performance in MKMF.
Actually, I was so surprised when Top kissed her !! OMG
He is her boyfriend now. Some Korean called them beauty and the beast ㅋ
他是李孝利現在的男友.一些韓國人稱他們為美女與野獸 哈哈
He is a singer, but he is not famous singer.
if you saw all of my posting, you must be remember Yozoh who has really sweet voice.
She was his ex-girlfriend !! ><
She was MC of many Korean TV shows, 패밀리가떴다 is one of the TV shows that she was MC.
She also loves Hip-hop, so she wrote on her twitter about Show Me The Money.
她也喜歡嘻哈音樂,所以她在她的推特上寫了關於Show Me The Money
리 쇼미더머니, "혹시 필요하면 불러주세요"
안동수 기자
▲ 이효리 쇼미더머니 © 이효리 트위터
이효리가 '쇼미더머니(Show me the money)'에 출연하고 싶은 마음을 드러내 화제다.
지난 23일 이효리는 자신의 트위터에 "난 아직 힙합이 좋은가봐. 쇼미더머니 재밌다"라며 "저도 혹시 필요하면 불러주세요. 일통님과 무대 해보고 싶어요"라며 이효리 '쇼미더머니' 출연 의사를 밝혔다.
이효리의 출연 희망에 누리꾼들은 "이효리는 적극적인 성격이 매력적", "혹시 필요하면 불러주세요", "난 아직 힙합이 좋은가봐" 등의 반응을 보이고 있다.
한편 '쇼미더머니'는 Mnet이 2000년 '힙합 더 바이브' 이후 10여년만에 선보이는 힙합 프로그램으로 매주 금요일 밤11시 방송된다.
2012-06-24 copyright newswave news 이효리 쇼미더머니
She said that " This show is really fun. Please call me when you need me. I also want to have a performance with a hiphop musician."